Monday, July 20, 2015

The Four ! (Ep. 01)


This is a weird but most influential title I could have ever thought. I wasn't sure on what to write under the title, so just writing about something which would help you with something to do something.

Ummm ! Let's start with evolutionary psychology.


Because I think I could write about this !

How about the four most impressive findings with EP (evolutionary psychology) to help us knowing our own selves?

Good start !


A) Past !

Well, yeah I am going to tell you about past. Not like that Mirror, but like an analyst.

Past is like a Toast. As many times you go and visit to Toast it more, as more it turns black.

What's new in this ?
Well, once you know how well Toasted you want your Toast to be, stop the heat. Rudimentary feelings about past are there to utilize the element of projection. Once you think you have passed something on, you missed the entire reason to have a Past.

I would advise one very impressive tool. Find out one good habit you have. Dwell into the past and learn how did you cultivate that habit in what circumstances, in what situations, in what needs and write it down.


My love for writing.

Why do I write?
Well, I have visited my past almost 18 times since last week to seek the answer. I found the roots in childhood. A suppressed feeling became latent demand and need for present, to express.

I had issues to be in the team.
I had issues to be in the team because I wanted to lead.
I had issues to be in the team because I wanted to lead for I thought I knew well than others did.
I had issues to be in the team because I wanted to lead for I thought I knew well than other did, so why to limit my self to be just a leader to them and I chose to be leader for my self, my identity, my needs, my life.
I chose to write to express my views about my things, leading me to be more open about my control issues relating them to words.

Gosh ! I hope I'm not confusing.

Anyway, what you could do is,

A) Choose one Good Habit
B) Drop a conscious visit to your last week
C) Explore the signs to recent past when you activated the Habit
D) Note down situations, needs, events, circumstances, emotions and people involved and then probably the feelings involved.
E) Stop ! Don't do it
F) Do it with just one element to observe about habit, let's say Needs
G) Go back and observe what were the needs to activate that Habits.
H) Do this exercise for 5 days for 10 minutes. Write down 2 needs every time.
I) Observe the behavioral pattern

Now here is the Master key. For me the need was to Express.

I chose writing to Express just not with guess. It is creative, valuable and harmless. On top of that, this would give me flexibility, what, where, when, how and why to write about. My reason was the extension to Identity, departed with society because of superiority complex. So, If I wouldn't have chosen the Writing, I would have ended up becoming a Politician or CEO or Social leader.

And Why I didn't choose to be any of them?
Well, simply because each of them would involve a lot of time, resources and efforts with no prior guarantee of instant results. Where as in Writing, I post, someone likes, someone up-votes,  someone follows in a day or two. That's all. I got my result.

Why I need instant results?
You are not listening. I told you I am the leader of me. So, sooner I get the results, sooner I can start another exploration. :)

Where is that piece of EP you told in the Beginning?
This entire trick to utilize past is the essence of EP. I made it less complicated and more colloquial to work with.

What if I don't get any clue?
Post your findings here in Comment.

What else?
Nothing ! 

Just press Follow to this blog, so you can get the rest of Three Episodes of THE FOUR !

And please tell us whether this helped you or not.

What if this doesn't help me?

Congrats !
You don't have past

Take Care !
Drink Tea and Love your past !

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