Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Four ! (Ep. 03)

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I've found it!), but 'That's funny...'

I have understood this.

May be after so many failed attempts, but I've got it.


Not this fast people.

There's one more phenomenal work, The last Question !

Here is a video, for those who don't read.

It's a short essay by Isaac Asimov, about a computer, which goes on collecting data, understanding the patterns and searching the meaning out of it. AC (Not the one which cools your room) is in the lead role in this essay.

Doesn't it sound a familiar story?

Someone (or Something) collecting data, understanding or learning the patterns and searching the meaning out of it ??

Well, it does to me.

It is me. Or maybe you. Or maybe her or him staring at the window.


I was a late learner in the Kindergarten. 

And the first thing what I learnt, how to bite someone.

My mother, tells me, people from the place used to carry me all the time, so I couldn't touch the ground and run to bite someone's child.

Why I didn't bite any of the co-ordinators there? 

Perhaps, they were big so could have bit me back. :p

Why at all I learned the first thing at all?


I know some people here at the university. Some from Anthropology, some from Sociology and some from Physics.

I am not in love with any of the conservatists there, but I talk. 

I talk to them to know some more things.

What they think, why they think like this, how they think like this, when they decide to think like this.

One frenzy is there. A doctorate in Bio-informatics. 

Here is the trick.

I ask him a question, we discuss, debate, we go for a cup of coffee, and I win the ground.


Well, I have learnt him also.


When a friend read it, she got confused with the reference of Apollo 11 and comparison of it with Technology.

Believe me, even I was while writing that post.

Why I wrote that thing?

Well, I believe there is choice. 

No no, wait ! Technology has brought choices. Enough choices.

So, what to give the priority, can be decided.


Well, it is easy, learn the priorities.


There's a new fantasy coming up.

No, it's not a movie fantasy. It's a stream of Science.

Fantasy? Yes, because still the researchers are yet provoke any solid learning out of it.

It's called, Quantum Biology.

For those who want to understand, please watch the below list.

So the essence is that, Quantum theory can also answer certain or in future all questions of Life.

Question will have answers.

And technology will give the choices to select any one of them, may be.


In the second video, Jim has given an example of British Robin.

A group has researched that, a phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement in a protein sitting in the bird's eyes, helps to locate the position via Earth's magnetic field.

That's Funny...

Anyway, so this bird have something with which it can learn.

And it learns via other inputs from its sensory mechanism, how to reach the goal.

Collects data, learn patterns and get the meaning.


I have had a client.

He was heading the Sales and Marketing for India operations of a leading MNC.

Some office politics happened with parent country management, and he left the job.

His heart collected the data, learned the patterns and found the meaning.

It wasn't good. He went to cardiac arrest over allegations.

Good or Bad?

I don't know. But I helped him with meditation.

Three weeks and he started to work for a consultancy firm again.


We, learn.

We, learn from our observations. 

Observations is a way to collect data.

We fit our past experiences over data and find patterns.

And with other sensory elements we get meanings out of the situations.

All the videos linked above, all these words, just to convey only one thing,


Why is it the topic this time?

Believe me, when you know you can learn, it is just the matter of choice as what to learn.

Technology is there to give you choice.

So, don't be the change what you want to see. Learn, what to see and what to skip, change will be the learning.

I love the last line of Isaac's essay, and again request you all to watch or read it. It's fascinating.

And AC said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light--

Closing line, "The Last Question"


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